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Interesting facts about Pokémon Go

After months of anticipation, Pokemon Go is finally out now across various regions. With the popularity of the app skyrocketing, it's clear that a new phenomenon has begun. Here in this article, we rounded up a collection of interesting facts about Pokémon Go Gotta Catch 'Em All. Check out to get more information, news about Pokemon Go, Pokemon figures. 

Pokémon Go Facts


Pokemon are tied to locations by geography and environment.
Pokemon Go funny
Funny jokes about Pokemon Go
Pokémon Go (stylized as Pokémon GO) is a free-to-play, location-based augmented reality game developed by Niantic for iOS and Android devices. It was initially released in selected countries in July 2016. In the game, players use a mobile device's GPS capability to locate, capture, battle, and train virtual creatures, called Pokémon, who appear on the screen as if they were in the same real-world location as the player


Items collection and Pokemon gyms are found at historical and artistic landmarks.


Hatching eggs is tied to walking distance, the same as in the video games.
Sometimes you'll get an egg at a Poke-Stop. Each egg is labeled with how far you need to walk for it to hatch--2 kilometers, 5 kilometers, and so on. To incubate an egg, you must find or purchase an incubator and place the egg inside, then leave the app running (it can be on in the background) while you walk. 


Evolving Pokemon requires you catch more of them.
Every Pokemon caught comes with one Evolution Shard and requires a specific number of them to evolve. For example, to evolve Pikachu to Raichu, you will need to catch 15 more Pikachus in order to collect 15 more Evolution Shards. According to the team, there will be a cap on how many Pokemon you can catch and hold, but once you have all the Evolution Shards you will be able to set redundant Pokemon free to make space.
Pokemon Go Gotta Catch Em All


Pokemon Gyms aren't NPC fighting rings rather they are asynchronous multiplayer PvP areas. Pokemon Gyms, like Poke-Stops, are also tied to monuments and other well-known sites. 


Pokemon Go players can use a small clip-on device to collect items and catch Pokemon without keeping their phone out.
Pokemon Go funny cute pictures
Funny pictures of Pokemon Go
As long as the app is running, players can still collect goods without actively using their phone by using a small clip-on device similar to a FitBit. When players pass a Poke-Stop or Pokemon on their commute, a small light on the device will light up what color it is depends on what you're passing, be it creature or consumables. You press the light to collect whatever it is, and then when you're safely at your destination you can check your phone to see what you got.
Thứ Tư, 9 tháng 11, 2016

How do Penguins hunt for krill, fish and squid?

How do Penguins hunt for krill, fish and squid? If you want to have the best answer for this question, just keep reading this article to see
Read more fun animal facts

Kết quả hình ảnh cho How Do Penguins Hunt for Food?

Penguins are among the most skilled fish-eating animals in the world, which is necessary to fuel their high caloric needs. In contrast to fish who need relatively few calories to drive their cold-blooded metabolisms, penguins must eat a lot to heat their bodies internally. Penguins' maneuverability in the water has come at the cost of not only flight, but also gracefulness while walking. Some species engage in a practice called “tobogganing” in which they lie on their bellies and slide from place to place.

Hunting for krill

Penguins' mouths have a series of spines pointing down their throats, so when they catch food, it stays in their mouths. Penguins almost never chew their food, as they have no teeth other than these spines used for holding the food in place. This is extremely helpful when catching small foods like krill. To catch krill, a penguin typically jumps or slides into the water, then uses its beak to gather the krill like a net. A penguin can also use its sharp beak to collect krill that is sitting on the underside of the ice.

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Hunting for fish

Kết quả hình ảnh cho How Do Penguins Hunt for Food?

Penguins' sharp beaks with sharp edges is a huge advantage to gathering fish quickly. They slide into the water after a school of fish, swim along with the fish and catch fish one at a time, swallowing them as they go. When the penguins have had enough to eat, they climb out of the water and go to sleep.

Hunting for squid

Penguins get squid to eat less often than either krill or fish because squid don't frequent arctic waters. When a penguin is lucky enough to spot a few (penguins eat small squid, around 4 to 5 inches long), he'll dive or slide into the water, swim quickly after the squid, and catch the squid in his mouth. A penguin's throat spines keep the squid from escaping out of his mouth. Then the penguin swallows the squid whole.

Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 9, 2016

First No Man's Sky Update Detailed, Early Copy Players Recommended to Delete Saves

No Man's Sky developer Hello Games has revealed what the game's first patch will include. Posting on the game's official website, studio founder Sean Murray said anyone who played the game prior to installing this patch will need to delete their save. Although the game will continue to function without the patch, these players will "miss out on new content and experiences" if they don't update.

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"We highly recommend deleting your save if you have played before updating your game (we won’t do this in future, but it’s a day zero update)," the post says.

According to Murray, servers will be wiped on Sunday (August 7) and then again on Monday (August 8). The update will be available on Monday (August 9) for reviewers once it exits submission. The general public playing on PC and PS4 will be able to download and patch their game at launch.

It looks like Hello Games has introduced a number of new features to the game, including three paths players can follow, changes to the way terrain generation works, and tweaked combat mechanics. Additionally, the size of the game's galaxies are now ten times larger. The exploit that allowed early players to complete the game in around 30 hours has also been removed.

Looking ahead, Murray said Hello Games is working on introducing "the ability to build bases and own giant space freighters."

He added: "Temporal AA and my new cloud rendering tech should be coming soon too. It will really change the game again, and enhance it visually. This universe we’ve built is a pretty large canvas, we’ve got a lot of ideas. This is the type of game we want to be."

Here's the full patch notes, courtesy of Hello Games.
Beware these notes contain some spoilers.
  • The Three Paths--there are now new, unique "paths" you can follow throughout the game. You must start the game on a fresh save, with the patch, as early choices have significant impact on what you see later in the game, and the overall experience.
  • The Universe--we changed the rules of the universe generation algorithm. Planets have moved. Environments have changed biomes. Galaxies have altered shape. All to create greater variety earlier. Galaxies are now up to 10x larger.
  • Diversity--Creatures are now more diverse in terms of ecology and densities on planets.
  • Planets--we've added dead moons, low atmosphere and extreme hazardous planets. Extreme hazards include blizzards and dust storms.
  • Atmosphere--space, night time and day skies are now 4x more varied due to new atmospheric system, which refracts light more accurately to allow for more intense sunsets.
  • Planet rotation--play testing has made it obvious people are struggling to adjust to this during play so its effects have been reduced further.
  • Terrain generation--caves up to 128m tall are now possible. Geometric anomalies have been added. Underwater erosion now leads to more interesting sea beds.
  • Ship diversity--a wider variety of ships appear per star system, and are available to purchase. Cargo and installed technology now vary more, and ships have more unique attributes.
  • Inventory--ship inventories now store five times more resources per slot. Suit inventories now store 2.5 times more per slot. This encourages exploration and gives freedom from the beginning. We're probably going to increase this even further in the next update, for people in the latter game phases, and will allow greater trading potential.
  • Trading--trading is deeper. Star systems and planets each have their own wants and needs, based off a galactic economy. Observing these is the key to successful trading. We still working on adjusting this based on how everyone plays, but all trading values have been re-balanced across the galaxy, giving a greater depth. A bunch of trade exploits were uncovered and have been removed
  • Feeding--creatures now have their own diet, based on planet and climate. Feeding them correctly will yield different results per species, such as mining for you, protecting the player, becoming pets, alerting you to rare loot or pooping valuable resources.
  • Survival--recharging hazard protection requires rare resources, making shielding shards useful again. Storms can be deadly. Hazard protection and suit upgrades have been added. Liquids are often more dangerous.
  • Graphical effects--Lighting and texture resolution have been improved. Shadow quality has doubled. Temporal AA didn’t make it in time, but it's so close.
  • Balancing--several hundred upgrades have had stat changes (mainly exo-suit and ship, but also weapon), new upgrades have been added.
  • Combat--Auto Aim and weapon aim has been completely rewritten to feel more gentle in general, but stickier when you need it. Sentinels now alert each other, if they haven't been dealt with quickly. Quad and Walker AI is now much more challenging, even I struggle with them without a powered up weapon.
  • Space Combat--advanced techniques have been introduced, like brake drifting and critical hits. Bounty missions and larger battles now occur. Pirate frequency has been increased, as well as difficulty depending on your cargo.
  • Exploits--infinite warp cell exploit and rare goods trading exploit among other removed. People using these cheats were ruining the game for themselves, but people are weird and can't stop themselves.
  • Stability--foundations for buildings on super large planets. Resolved several low repro crashes, in particular when player warped further than 256 light years in one session (was only possible due to warp cell exploit above).
  • Space Stations--interiors are now more varied, bars, trade rooms and hydroponic labs have been added.
  • Networking--Ability to scan star systems other players have discovered on the Galactic Map, increasing the chance of collision. Star systems discovered by other players appear during Galactic Map flight.
  • Ship scanning--scanning for points of interest from your ship is now possible. Buildings generate earlier and show up in ship scans.
  • Flying over terrain--pop-in and shadow artifacts have been reduced. Generation speed has been increased two fold (planets with large bodies of water will be targeted in next update)
  • Writing--The Atlas path has been rewritten by James Swallow (writer on Deus Ex) and me. I think it speaks to the over-arching theme of player freedom more clearly now. Early mission text has been rewritten to allow for multiple endings.
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No Man's Sky's release date has been confirmed as August 9 for PS4 and August 12 for PC. One person managed to get a leaked copy of No Man's Sky and claimsto have "beaten" the game in about 35 hours.

You can check out more of GameSpot's No Man's Sky coverage through the links below.
  • No Man's Sky: Everything You Need to Know
  • The Consequences of No Man's Sky: Will Players Destroy or Preserve the Universe?
  • No Man's Sky's Menus and Upgrade Tree Look a Lot Like Destiny
  • Making Sense of No Man's Sky's Massive Universe
  • No Man's Sky's 18 Quintillion Planets Take Up Just 6 GB on Disc
  • Listen to No Man's Sky Atmospheric Soundtrack Here
>>>> If you are unable to find the topic you are interested in please access here amazing facts of science to learn more
Chủ Nhật, 7 tháng 8, 2016

The Slaughter: Act One review

Exciting adventure game an all, but sometimes they get a little too goofy or prison to keep you pushing forward. The Slaughter Act One is a game reviews that seems custom made to combat specific problems, which mainly work for the sake of it.

The Slaughter Act One after Sydney detective Emerson when he investigates a series of suspicious murders of "The Ripper" in 1800s Britain. Although it sounds like a pretty standard setup (and tired), the game goes out of their way to make unique story.
Some of the ways it does this is kind of confusing, like the dream sequences scattered throughout the experience, but then there are some really interesting dynamics that have been discovered during the first action this (hopefully) be examined further in the next set.
Putting the pieces together
If you're wondering what kind of adventure game reviews The Slaughter is the easiest way to describe it is old school. You will often find yourself talking to characters, collect items, and combine them to get a certain event to trigger and push the story further.
Unlike a lot of experience with the same design though, The Slaughter managed to keep challenging puzzles that do not seem entirely "trial and error" based. For the most part, you will always have some suggestions for dialogue or just a few items to work with that really helps you focus on your work and how to get to the next plot point according, that is strange a refreshing change of pace with his experience with the genre.

contaminated evidence
The only real low with Slaughter is that it has some bugs and glitches that can make it a little uncomfortable to play. black box appears around the character sometimes, sometimes the sound cutting out, the parts of the non-load properly, and - in the most serious problems that I experienced - I could not do anything what's in the game, unless I force quit the app and reload the last save point my.
In all these issues, only the last one really impact my ability to play the fun games for kids online  , but the lack of polish in The Slaughter is a real turn off.
The bottom line
The slaughter, despite its faults, is one of the fascinating adventure game than I've ever played, mainly because its puzzles is not infuriating. It also managed to start an interesting story that hopefully a second action can really take advantage of. I'd recommend you pick this up, but maybe after it had received a number of bug fixes.

Thứ Hai, 11 tháng 7, 2016


The mysterious space began two years ago as the developer of entry Hendel Ben-Doying In the Seven Day Challenge Roguelike (7DRL). It continued to grow since then, making it steamed Finally last year. It's also am a total blast, shoot-em-grafting retro upward action on a simplified Roguelike skeleton.

Mysterious screenshots of the games reviews space, mining planet
On the surface, the Mysterious space plays like a shooter released the 8-bit space, as Cybernoid for the ZX Spectrum Solar Jetman or for the NES. There Defender indices, too, since you can fire left and right, but can move in all directions freely, since if you are traveling in a direction far enough around the loop you have other side from the menu.

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More than a shoot-em-up pure, the mysterious space exploratory am also incorporates elements. Each planet crystals generated fuel bạn procedure visit hidden somewhere, you will need to dig Những, Thường rummaging through the underwater caves or the same level. All the while, you'll be dodging - and we hope that blasting - enemies, not to mention Avoid Tham and rudimentary puzzle solving tips.

Mysterious screenshots of the game space, the forest
The action is solid, sensitive controls, and quite varied environments to keep you on your toes. There is ice and snow planets - Blizzards čo are murder on visibility. There are volcanic planets - your ship can enter the lava, fortunately, but Cua protect sẽ không regenerated, you must be very careful. There are forest planets, desert planets, planets Tham haunted - Spooky!

Mysterious Space of game screenshots, haunted
Hendel made a very Doying work with graphics; They are deliberately simple and 8 bit, but in a manner evocative có feels like a tribute to space games past rather than a cynical cash-in on the nostalgic feelings. The soundtrack by chiptune DDRKirby (ISQ) adds to the feeling; it's retro, but feels ... well ... mysterious, in agreement with the title of the game.

As the linear space shooter, the mysterious space would be something already a success, but it is the way có Hendel-Doying Roguelike Incorporated elements without interfering at all with the alien-shooting action impresses me có more.

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Think of a determinant of Roguelike games, and space Mysterious có has. Instead of venturing into a dungeon for a magical amulet, you explore an unknown space in search of the sector in a mysterious signal. Instead untested potions, you untested alien technology. There are shops to buy and sell equipment Tham (although thay swords blasters) and "character classes" to unlock, but they are actually types Khac ships. And secrets? Yes, there are secrets to find, too.

Mysterious space is complete under any current condition, but it is still releasing Hendel-Doying updates and apparently has no plans to stop anytime soon. (He has a Kickstarter am also running.) Do not let có stop you, however; The sooner you pick this up as soon as you track down the strange có signal in the heart of the ZZ-omega-9 sector. Then there is just the matter of finding the way back ...
Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 6, 2016


Greedy GUNS - what we think:
Do you like games like Metal Slug? What if there are a lot of weapons had concretized more to choose from and combat mechanics? Greedy Guns by Tio Atum is a 2D platformer with Combat Focused Nhung said elements, and it is beautifully designed to.


Greedy Guns' moment-to-moment gameplay is inspired by games like Contra and Metal Slug. The main objective is to kill all có moved. Like the games that inspired it, it has a solid foundation of action-oriented mechanism. It has less of a focus on platforming and more of a focus on shooting.

Greedy Guns Game Screenshot - Swarm
One of the best aspects of this game is well Ké các combat system. It not only has a đó cho PHEP target system in any direction to aim with the mouse or right analog stick, but I'm also two defensive skills - an alternative role and give a stimulus pushes enemies away and ask for their có bullets. Both in tandem with the actions of Nhung recording mechanics make combating feel fair, because you rather have a real chance, with multiple enemies swarming KHI or projectiles.

Fortunately knows the game, how much fun combat scenarios to design. In this review build, I would có on GaP Hop you enemies a distance, use your mà bạn required frequently, skills have to dodge. Another example where the game is mixed things KHI I có a boss, a number of bullets shot at me face, effectively turn it into a kind of bullet hell. I was use to my ability added Easier pulse to avoid.

The game does a great job, do not feel the gameplay with real number mixing Repetitive - something action-heavy 2D games sometimes struggle out with. This preview build có seems promising in Regard, and hopefully enough diversity CHUNG KHI full game review comes Add.

Greedy Guns Game Screenshot - shop
One of the main printing systems Greedy Guns gun-shopping is nó mechanic. Mà Sé enemies drop money can be used on machines có let buy from the cannons and exchange. Since you can only carry two guns at once, the last game will have scenarios where rat guns are preferably used specifically. Tuy Nhien, I appreciated có trong this preview build did not force the game to choose me a certain type of weapon. I like the option of choosing what I like guns, Dü Certain CHUNG not ideal for the fight sequences.

Guns have add a good amount of variety. Some have wide spreading projectiles, fire faster others, and some cause more damage added to overheat causation. There was not much to choose from in this build, but I'm sure that the game is finally released KHI much have to be.

As long as the last game has a number of interesting weapons to choose from, this mechanic more fun feel. I have always enjoyed games with a variety of weapons DIVERSE; it can make a more pleasant Experimentation aspect of the fight game.

The game has a bright, cartoonish visual style. Characters are expressive -. Which areas of the game Pop and clearly differ from each other even in a world where the dark and moody Designer Against aesthetic gravitate, it is nice to see a carefree art style.
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Greedy Guns game screenshots, bullet hell
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From the, played by Greedy Guns, if you are a fan of run-and-gun games, then you should not keep your eyes on these I. It is elegantly designed in many areas where, from the fight for No No art style. While I do not know how the last game Will it turns out, this was a pleasant romp small preview build. It is Hien on Kickstarter, than check it out.

'Heroes of Loot 2' Review

Orangepixel's previous game, Space Grunts [$ 3.99] is basically a roguelike game inspired by the fast-paced, action which just so happens to be turn-based. Heroes of Loot 2 [$ 3.99] instead of fast action games that space coult grunts were in a different universe. Gauntlet dungeon-esque shooter also avoid the item for some system new tricks, such as a system of exchange of the two characters. And there was the harsh trials expected to get, with dozens basement to try and go through before beating the game. Good get anywhere near it without much luck plays skillfully. However, despite everything on paper that looks interesting, there's something about loose sense of Heroes of Loot 2, with a number of design decisions have problems along the way, which leaves I'm not completely enamored with this game.
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The system's two interesting characters to play with, because you get the best of both worlds. You get the figures fluctuated fight to implement, and a powerful melee character. Sometimes you need to clear everything out quickly and had a few hits in the process, and that's what your melee characters are for. But most of the time, I find myself using oscillating character, like elf for speed combined with the possibility of oscillation, although the instructions will certainly have their fans as well. The valkyrie is far preferable to me of two default melee character that you will spend most of your time before you work to unlock other characters, in part because the rate of increase, and because valkyrie can find the hidden walls. Granted, if you look closely at the minimap - the easiest on the iPad, I suppose - you can see the walls of secrecy. They are "secret" in that if you do not have to search for them, you can not find them, but they are not really all that well hidden. And really, the only valuable secrets to find if you are willing to take risks by jumping far ahead in the game, where to get early experience can help our clumsy with survivors.

While I admit that the kind of player who is very easy to death, there are so many sloppy here. There are too many opportunities for your health to be raided by the bomb, or get too close to an enemy with a DPS of $ Texas, or perhaps a fire or spikes that will pop up from the floor housing random moments? Or consider the random stores that can only have a position, or those who sell things with money that you can no way of affording public may have. Just as there are many design decisions and suspicious strangers here only give the odd game, this feeling too loose.
Heroes of Loot 2-2
And honestly, that's part of Orangepixel style, always with a loose grip on the sensitivity, certainly. But something about it seemed a little more mesh in this game, where it feels like a little more time working on the feel of the game will go a long way. Like, the arena missions that pop up randomly and lock you into a character without warning is annoying. Even the variety of games are missing - to find the key, or go beat this boss kind of task a little bit of getting a mesh over time. I want some more, some genuine surprises, than the familiar layout and map targets.
Visually, Heroes of Loot 2 continues with the lighting effects helped to space grunts his stylish look to go along with artwork typical Orangepixel. The game is a bit dark, so as to muck with the brightness settings, or it may be difficult to see the enemy. The interesting thing is, items like flaming torches and light affect enemies in the game, a cool effect for sure. This is a beautiful game artwork, but too-dark graphics is a downside, though, is able to save one.
Heroes of Loot 2-3
Intelligent control, you have a virtual joystick that is a bit fussy to deal with without too many problems. Two buttons, one for the other characters and exchange of fire, there are some problems met. It felt like two characters will not exchange or actions will not be activated unless the buttons are repeated, or just not a good feeling of satisfaction to their use. However, the controls are decent. The game uses auto instead of dual-stick to aim as in the PC version of the game, and while there are some problems automatically target, it is still good. MFI's control here, with X being used to shoot weapons, and Y are used to convert character despite the software button shows A and X respectively. The 1.1.1 update may have some bugs to work out, such as the joystick firing is reversed too. That, or Orangepixel really committed to the idea of ​​a joystick shot down in the free online games for kids  . Too far!
Part of the problem with the long-term attractiveness of the Heroes of Loot 2 is the game takes a long time to provide you with any of its long-term rewards. Unlock hero or see the benefits of leveling is very tedious. Starting with only two pairs hero means without a lot of variety, which can be solved by introducing more previous heroes. The leveling can be designed to not only explain the benefits very soon, but in order to expand the scale leveling and its interests to do so very soon. Otherwise, it's just a game that you try to survive as long as possible. And for some people it's okay, it's attractive enough. But to have a reward system often teased, and then to unlock them feel very indeterminably far to really get annoying.

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If I had to describe my thoughts about Heroes of Loot 2 as briefly as possible, it'd be that the game is good. It has flaws and shortcomings, but not so killer. And I love to see more entries in the genre roguelite fast-paced mobile phone Game review . Scratching that itch grunts space well enough for me to act in plays its intelligent speed. Is a fast-paced action game in real time, Heroes of Loot 2 not good enough that I enjoyed my time with it, but I did not find it attractive as I hoped it would be.

Thứ Sáu, 24 tháng 6, 2016
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