Orangepixel's previous game, Space Grunts [$ 3.99] is basically a roguelike game inspired by the fast-paced, action which just so happens to be turn-based. Heroes of Loot 2 [$ 3.99] instead of fast action games that space coult grunts were in a different universe. Gauntlet dungeon-esque shooter also avoid the item for some system new tricks, such as a system of exchange of the two characters. And there was the harsh trials expected to get, with dozens basement to try and go through before beating the game. Good get anywhere near it without much luck plays skillfully. However, despite everything on paper that looks interesting, there's something about loose sense of Heroes of Loot 2, with a number of design decisions have problems along the way, which leaves I'm not completely enamored with this game.
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The system's two interesting characters to play with, because you get the best of both worlds. You get the figures fluctuated fight to implement, and a powerful melee character. Sometimes you need to clear everything out quickly and had a few hits in the process, and that's what your melee characters are for. But most of the time, I find myself using oscillating character, like elf for speed combined with the possibility of oscillation, although the instructions will certainly have their fans as well. The valkyrie is far preferable to me of two default melee character that you will spend most of your time before you work to unlock other characters, in part because the rate of increase, and because valkyrie can find the hidden walls. Granted, if you look closely at the minimap - the easiest on the iPad, I suppose - you can see the walls of secrecy. They are "secret" in that if you do not have to search for them, you can not find them, but they are not really all that well hidden. And really, the only valuable secrets to find if you are willing to take risks by jumping far ahead in the game, where to get early experience can help our clumsy with survivors.

While I admit that the kind of player who is very easy to death, there are so many sloppy here. There are too many opportunities for your health to be raided by the bomb, or get too close to an enemy with a DPS of $ Texas, or perhaps a fire or spikes that will pop up from the floor housing random moments? Or consider the random stores that can only have a position, or those who sell things with money that you can no way of affording public may have. Just as there are many design decisions and suspicious strangers here only give the odd game, this feeling too loose.
Heroes of Loot 2-2
And honestly, that's part of Orangepixel style, always with a loose grip on the sensitivity, certainly. But something about it seemed a little more mesh in this game, where it feels like a little more time working on the feel of the game will go a long way. Like, the arena missions that pop up randomly and lock you into a character without warning is annoying. Even the variety of games are missing - to find the key, or go beat this boss kind of task a little bit of getting a mesh over time. I want some more, some genuine surprises, than the familiar layout and map targets.
Visually, Heroes of Loot 2 continues with the lighting effects helped to space grunts his stylish look to go along with artwork typical Orangepixel. The game is a bit dark, so as to muck with the brightness settings, or it may be difficult to see the enemy. The interesting thing is, items like flaming torches and light affect enemies in the game, a cool effect for sure. This is a beautiful game artwork, but too-dark graphics is a downside, though, is able to save one.
Heroes of Loot 2-3
Intelligent control, you have a virtual joystick that is a bit fussy to deal with without too many problems. Two buttons, one for the other characters and exchange of fire, there are some problems met. It felt like two characters will not exchange or actions will not be activated unless the buttons are repeated, or just not a good feeling of satisfaction to their use. However, the controls are decent. The game uses auto instead of dual-stick to aim as in the PC version of the game, and while there are some problems automatically target, it is still good. MFI's control here, with X being used to shoot weapons, and Y are used to convert character despite the software button shows A and X respectively. The 1.1.1 update may have some bugs to work out, such as the joystick firing is reversed too. That, or Orangepixel really committed to the idea of a joystick shot down in the
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Part of the problem with the long-term attractiveness of the Heroes of Loot 2 is the game takes a long time to provide you with any of its long-term rewards. Unlock hero or see the benefits of leveling is very tedious. Starting with only two pairs hero means without a lot of variety, which can be solved by introducing more previous heroes. The leveling can be designed to not only explain the benefits very soon, but in order to expand the scale leveling and its interests to do so very soon. Otherwise, it's just a game that you try to survive as long as possible. And for some people it's okay, it's attractive enough. But to have a reward system often teased, and then to unlock them feel very indeterminably far to really get annoying.
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If I had to describe my thoughts about Heroes of Loot 2 as briefly as possible, it'd be that the game is good. It has flaws and shortcomings, but not so killer. And I love to see more entries in the genre roguelite fast-paced mobile phone
Game review . Scratching that itch grunts space well enough for me to act in plays its intelligent speed. Is a fast-paced action game in real time, Heroes of Loot 2 not good enough that I enjoyed my time with it, but I did not find it attractive as I hoped it would be.