DUELYST REVIEW agreview Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 6, 2016 No Comment

I was faced with no other card game gave me a choice: I play my minions in front of or behind the general? In front it seems to be the logical choice, since it will be next to each other under normal circumstances, who will almost certainly want to escape to the next round. However, if I put it behind me I can generally cut off their escape route may be taken. This is a seemingly simple decision and make the wrong choice could be the difference between winning and losing the games reviews . I call behind to face my next puzzle: I attack them generally to me?

Duelyst digital CCG I've played more minute than any card game, an important decision. Play a game five of nine board only universal start you and your opponent. Each generally have two attacks, 25 health, as well as unique Bloodborne spells. Like take their inspiration from the magic of most other CCGS: party, you customize the card from a card Draw, cast spells, summon minions and until you kill the opposition in general.

Games bones feel comfortable and familiar, but joined the board of directors and exercise make an amazing difference. Because you can only adjacent friendly units Most units square and summon minions only move two squares each round, first leg little choice where to step or summon will affect the way in the end of the original game.

Control your opponent's movement can be treated as damage to them is equally important. They generally have 2/2 attacks servants is not a great play, and their counter-attack and kill it, because it involves only a negligible two injuries. But it leaves next to a general, or even better, they are boxing in the penalty area to turn their own choice. Of course, they can also be very easy to kill lackey, if you are attacked, but the unit can only attack, which means 2/2 move actually rooted before they occur. And decide whether a direct attack on their ships with you to further complicate things, because the end result is that you both take two injuries.

Factions problem

350-plus card pool is divided into six factions, each with its own unique style, together with a large group of neutral card. Lyonar is the easiest factions intended to ease new players into its healing and big 'provocation' minions security, forcing all adjacent enemy units to attack it before it can move or attack other affect the game. Vanar is snowy, blue all around the school board about pushing towards your opponent, and the immovable wall minions to limit their options. Although Songhai is based on a combination of positive faction, aimed to kill you before you can even see it coming. All six options unique feel and performance, in both their playing style and their art.

And art is an important high point of Duelyst. Pixel art has become a popular choice for independent developers, and through some skepticism about the lack of resources, so that some 'good', but Duelyst elves have some of the greatest animated pixel art I've ever seen. Only pixelated effect units and cards, but the extreme level of detail to enter each one is amazing. And thanks to dynamic lighting system Duelyst, the elves do not feel it is in its non-pixelated battlefield and UI place.

Another big change from CCG formula is Duelyst the "replace" mechanic. Once a turn, you can draw a card from your hand Mulligan different. This makes the deck is significantly more consistent, which is to make Duelyst feel like a card free online games for kids  in addition to important tactical game. It is difficult to come from behind on the board, and replace the back if you are surrounded by the mechanic can be drawn into the answer faster.

However, despite the extra level of depth, I found myself missing the occasional big "wow" moment, I come from the game, such as furnace slag or LOL tense match expectations. Short playing time (8-10 minutes) and more consistent reference means that there is little room surprise. This is not to say that every game is played with far from it, such as a decision tree for any given match can branch out crazy, but there are not too many big surprise theater opportunities. The card has a creative and unique, but also relatively simple. There is nothing like a new legend furnace slag Jug - Sharon in Duelyst which, depending on who you want to talk, be a good thing or a bad thing.

It is strange to complain about the lack of RNG frequency Hearthstone community whines about it popular, but I can understand after playing Duelyst Why did Blizzard choose which path: big, tweetable circle. Duelyst decline quieter, brain paths, it works, but in an exciting story to tell at the expense of my friends.

Of the CCG ℃

In Duelyst establish a set is less daunting than its competitors because of the rare cards have frequent dropped calls and games you almost golden shovel. You get gold every two-game winning streak, gold bonus for your first win every day, as well as two daily mission is to get you to play four games a certain faction, respond in a game 40 points of damage, or other similar thing. Under normal circumstances, do all took just over one hour, and left me with enough gold ball -Duelyst soul version of the card pack. For those who have more money than time, you can also buy Sarah spirit and cold, hard cash, but I never felt behind the curve do not.

There are four rare cards: ordinary, rare, epic and legendary. Each sphere has five cards, one of which is guaranteed to be a rare or higher, and is displayed in the epic about once every two spheres, the legendary story of once every four. This means that you find "rare" card more often than in most CCGS, but the other side is that you need more people. Duelyst have three copies of any card of 40 cards, including a legendary story maximum deck size. Thus, while pulling a legend that the probability is high that you need, you may need three people to fill out on your deck.

The Duelyst of deckbuilding yuan is still very young, especially considering Bloodborne magic, unique reusable 1 magic spells, a cooling time of the second turn, were not added to the game last week, until a few days before the official launch, each general. Everything is still in flux, but the thing is a constant, and now it is one of the few neutral minions prevalence. Like the mysterious healing, Lightbender, emerald rejuvenate, Repulsor beast, more people, like every decent sports body heal enemy units or digestion ability cards, provide adequate tools, they can use almost any job, deck strength in inches of minions no inherent problem, but they will be, if these cards can still be integrated into every single deck, a year down the road.

Duelyst monthly increase of four new cards and two larger expansion has been in the development stage, so there are many opportunities to counter-attack game to shake yuan, as it sees fit. However, the truth of the matter is that many viewers may not care Duelyst appeal to the appearance of a similar deck. Despite the high skill cap and rapid decision tree branch, Duelyst is a very simple game. It's easy to understand and learn, and a great casual card game play, if you do not want tryhard row your way up the ladder.

I love fall Duelyst as a game or two, as I like to play it through most of a weekend. This is a more relaxed promise, I do not feel bad about the establishment of the poor just because a card deck looks cool, and God knows there are a lot of cool card, do not make their way into the top deck. This is a game, I look forward to getting better and better, I've seen the first digital CCG possible relaxation of the genre furnace slag chokehold.

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Opponents around severely limit their choices, especially with the death of the eggs become sticky Magmar factions rebirth minions.
by Jillur Rahman

Jillur Rahman is a Web designers. He enjoys to make blogger templates. He always try to make modern and 3D looking Templates. You can by his templates from Themeforest.

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